Red List Med Plants

by FRLHT Team



1. Welcome to Red List Medicinal Plants App –Version 1.1.2. This will stores information on medicinal plants of conservation concern for India 3. The contents of this app are derived from a rigorous process called Conservation Assessment and Management Prioritization process (CAMP)4. Based on application of IUCN Red List Criteria and Categories (Version 3.1), CAMP process is conducted at state level to assess and assign the RED List status for promoting conservation action and management programs for specific species.5. In this App, total 300+ medicinal plants species have been listed with their assigned Red List Status.6. for more info click on the links: and Internet connection in your mobile phone/tablet is mandatory to run this app.Use this APP and let us know your feedback: [email protected] or call us at +918028568847Supported by Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change Government of India. Designed by: FRLHT-TDU, Bangalore.